Job Advice Blog

Archives: Week 6 of 2016 Feb. 8, 2016 - Feb. 14, 2016

A Supportive Community- Part 3

If you’ve been following our blog you have read the recent posts on spending your money, and volunteering in your community. While these are both excellent ways to help keep your community thriving, there is, of course, one more- you can work in your community. This is perhaps the way to help the community that it is easiest to see your own benefit, as this community service comes with a paycheck. Sometimes this is an easy decision, but sometimes there are other pressures that make it more difficult to see why working local is the best option.

Familial Connections

The danger with nepotism is that the favored employee will not feel the need to work hard, will not feel the need to do their best. This, of course, is unacceptable. There is nothing wrong (or illegal) with an employer using their sway to help friends and family, there is something wrong when this kindness is abused. If a family member gets a job due to nepotism, and excels at it, this is a great situation for everybody- but if a family member gets a job due to nepotism, and is terrible, then everyone loses.

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