Job Advice Blog

Archives: Week 5 of 2016 Feb. 1, 2016 - Feb. 7, 2016

A Supportive Community- Part 2

We are, of course, talking about volunteering. I like to say volunteering helps you with three things- momentum, connections, and direction. By getting up and doing something, you gain a little bit of momentum that you can apply anywhere. You will meet other people while volunteering, increasing your list of connections. Finally, you will feel good about yourself and what you are doing, you will have a sense of direction- a sense of purpose.

A Supportive Community- Part 1

Our local community is an integral part of our identity, no matter where we live, or who we are. We are social creatures, communal creatures who got to where we are as a species by working together.  Because of this, when we take care of our community, we are really taking care of ourselves. If our community is thriving and healthy, it will help guide us towards health and prosperity, so we are wise to return the favor.