Job Advice Blog

Archives: Week 4 of 2016 Jan. 25, 2016 - Jan. 31, 2016

Overcoming being Overqualified

The three little words “sorry, you’re overqualified” are among the hardest to fully understand. Being told that you can’t get hired because you are too good for the job is strange, ideally they would let you make that choice for yourself! As you’ve probably guessed, however, “overqualified” is used as code for a number of different possibilities. An “overqualified” candidate is one who may end up being: too expensive, insubordinate, or temporary.

Revising your Resolution

Instead of having a to-do list of all the things you want to do, try skimming it down to 2-3 over-arching goals. “This year I want to learn more, and get healthier” or “this year I want to get better at self-motivation, make money, and learn a new skill.” Once you have a list like this, your options open up like the skies on the East Coast. You don’t have a set task list, but a small list of over-all goals, that can be achieved through a variety of methods.

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