Job Advice Blog

Archives: Week 8 of 2016 Feb. 22, 2016 - Feb. 28, 2016

Morning Motivation

Morning Motivation

We all know the feeling- the sun beaming comfortable warmth down onto your bed, or the lull of the rain against your window- that feeling as we are first becoming conscious again that is oh so comfortable and just wants you to go right back to sleep. Sometimes we give in, sleeping late and feeling groggy. All the big plans we made the night before to really dive in and get our work done fall by the wayside. Today we are going to look at how we fight back against the demotivating morning.

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Employee Problems- or Problem Employees?

Employee Problems- or Problem Employees?

There are few things worse than having an extremely competent and skilled employee who refuses to utilize herself to her best ability. Whether we have skills or not is a simple matter of training, whether or not we have a good work ethic and play well with others goes a little bit deeper. Today we are going to look at some of the symptoms of bad-attituditis, giving you a chance to self-diagnose early, as well as take a look at some specific forms it takes.