Job Advice Blog

Archives: Week 16 of 2016 April 18, 2016 - April 24, 2016

The Employed Job-Seeker's Handbook

The Employed Job-Seeker's Handbook

You do not need to tell your current employer that you are looking for a job, especially if you are not even sure if you will find one that you’d like to work. You cannot know how your employer will take the news, and if they take it badly it can be a lot of hassle for you. So don’t tell them- but also don’t tell your co-workers or clients. The only thing worse than telling your boss that you are looking for a new job is someone else doing it for you! Until you know exactly what is going on don’t rock the boat by running your mouth.

Why do you want this job?

Why do you want this job?

Tempting as it is, you cannot tell your interviewer you want the job because you have mortgage payments and would prefer not to be homeless. You can’t say you don’t want it, but you need it. You don’t want to say it is because you heard that this company pays better than competitors. Your personal reasons for wanting the job do not matter, your goal with answering this question is to show enthusiasm for the company and start explaining why you fit the role that they need filled. This question tests three things: preparedness, enthusiasm, and knowledge.

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