Job Advice Blog

Morning Motivation

Morning Motivation

We all know the feeling- the sun beaming comfortable warmth down onto your bed, or the lull of the rain against your window- that feeling as we are first becoming conscious again that is oh so comfortable and just wants you to go right back to sleep. Sometimes we give in, sleeping late and feeling groggy. All the big plans we made the night before to really dive in and get our work done fall by the wayside. Today we are going to look at how we fight back against the demotivating morning.

First off GET OUT OF BED! As soon as that alarm goes off, of that ray of sun hits your face, get up and go. Our first moments set the scene for the rest of the day, and if we use those moments to take the easy, soft, path of least resistance we set ourselves up to do that for the rest of the day. So don’t snooze, don’t browse social media on your phone, get out of bed. Do what you must to ensure that you actually get up once you wake up- put the alarm clock on the other side of the room, rip the covers off of yourself, make your partner push you out of bed- whatever it takes to make sure your feet are on the floor as soon as you wake up.

Next you want to take care of some physiological stuff. We lose a lot of water throughout the night, so drink a nice big glass of water. If you are in the habit of running, gear up and go for a run. If not, I recommend doing at least 5-10 minutes of stretching. You want to get your body ready to go so that your mind will follow.

Once you are out of bed, and your body is geared up for the day, you have to wake your mind up. The best way to do this is to look at your goals for the day. Every night instead of making a list of things to do in your head- make one on a sheet of paper. Take that sheet of paper and put it somewhere you cannot avoid it (the fridge, your ceiling, the bathroom mirror etc.). That way one of the first things you will see is all of the things you should do today- which will kick your brain into gear and get you thinking about how to accomplish all of those things. Also make a prominent display of whatever your big dream is, if you wake up every day and remember what you are working towards you will have a much easier time working.

The next trick is just to get to it. Take your shower, eat your breakfast, but keep your goals for the day in mind as you do these routine things. Then, as soon as you have done your morning routine, get to work. The sooner you start the things you have to do, the sooner you will complete them. So get out of bed, get your body ready, remember you goals, and get to work!