Job Advice Blog

Archives: Week 29 of 2016 July 18, 2016 - July 24, 2016

Curing Impostor Syndrome

Curing Impostor Syndrome

For many of us being successful is far more complicated than thriving in the work place. Despite overwhelmingly positive performance reviews, a promotion or two, and pleasant relationships with co-workers, some of us still feel like we are not really capable of doing the job. This feeling is a symptom of what researchers Clance and Imes from Georgia State University refer to as “Imposter Syndrome.” If on paper you are a model employee, but deep down you feel like you are a fraud- you suffer from Imposter Syndrome. If you are constantly worried that someone will “find you out” you suffer from Imposter Syndrome. But don’t worry too much, Imposter Syndrome is not terminal, and if you follow some simple advice you will be able to overcome it with relative ease!

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The worst thing that you can do while between jobs is stagnate. If you give up and stop pushing, learning, and growing it will not only take longer to find a job, but the waiting will be more painful. This is why periods between full-time employments are the perfect times to pick up new skills. This could mean signing up for a class, buying a couple books, or just devoting a couple hours each day to utilizing free online educational resources (of which there are many!). These days the most useful hard skill (by far) is programming. If you know how to code you can be useful at pretty much any company, and can even find ample work as a free-lancer!

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