Radio Spots

These are the radio spots that advertise

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    Our radio commercials have attracted a lot of attention for their humor. Some people don't like them; mostly these people are named Dave. Here are some scripts; you decide if they are funny.

    Seekers presents: the World's Worst boss - the one who posts jobs on HUGE national job sites, looking for anyone with a pulse. We'll just call him "Dave."
    Dave:Okay everybody, I've called this brainstorm because Senior Management said we need BIG IDEAS! Soo what have you got?
    Employee 1:Well Dave, how about we...
    Employee 2:Okay, we could try...
    Dave's Son:What if we started charged employees to use the bathroom?
    Dave's Son:Thanks Dad!
    Announcer:Don't work for a "Dave!" Find a boss you can RESPECT -- one who's looking for great and LOCAL talent at Local Jobs that Work!

    Internet presents: the World's Worst boss - the one who posts jobs on HUGE national job sites, looking for anyone with a pulse. We'll just call him "Dave."
    Dave:Hello, people that work for me. As a means to monitor productivity and, I'll be honest, my own curiosity, I've been monitoring your internet usage for the past two months.
    SFX:(Panicked whispering.)
    Dave:And rather than meet with each one of you, I think it'll be faster and more humiliating to just do this all at once. Jennifer, I'm sorry to hear about that rash. Judging by the amount of time you spend researching for remedies, it must be painful. Barry, your wife looked wonderful in her swimsuit on your vacation to Hawaii. Aloha! Marie, I see you've been sending emails complaining that I'm "obnoxious", and "not fit to be a boss." Well, have fun complaining about me to the people at your next job.
    Announcer:Don't work for a "Dave!" Find a boss you can RESPECT -- one who's looking for great and LOCAL talent at Local Jobs that Work!
    Legal (super fast):We don't discriminate against people named Dave. Dave is a common name, fun to say, and so we're using it as a catch-all for lackluster bosses everywhere. They post jobs on the big national job boards because they really don't care. Please do not write to us to tell us you are a Dave who was insulted by this ad. That would be a real "Dave" move, Dave.

    Clowns presents: the World's Worst boss - the one who posts jobs on HUGE national job sites, looking for anyone with a pulse. We'll just call him "Dave."
    HR:Hi Dave. Let's talk about that job you posted for a senior manager...
    Dave:OK! I've got a LOT of applicants already!
    HR:Dave... You posted on that HUGE national job site. What a waste! One guy says he's been everything from "Dog Walker" to a "Stay at home Uncle"?
    Dave:You hear "Stay at home Uncle" and "Dog Walker" & I hear super fun guy who loves animals.
    HR:Posting on that huge national job site just wastes our time scrolling through irrelevant applicants!
    Dave:Look! I said we're looking for people who are willing to take chances and have a great sense of humor and here's a guy who's a "Skydiving Clown". That's sounds qualified to me.
    HR:We need SERIOUS applications from LOCAL candidates.
    Dave:Don't be silly. You found ME on that huge national job site...
    HR:Please don't remind me, Dave.
    Announcer:Don't work for a "Dave!" Find a boss you can RESPECT -- one who's looking for great and LOCAL talent at Local Jobs that Work!
    Legal (super fast):We don't discriminate against people named Dave. Dave is a common name, fun to say, and so we're using it as a catch-all for lackluster bosses everywhere. They post jobs on the big national job boards because they really don't care. Please do not write to us to tell us you are a Dave who was insulted by this ad. That would be a real "Dave" move, Dave.