About Us

BillingsHelpWanted.com is the easiest, most cost effective way to promote your job postings to local job seekers and find the perfect employee.

  • Local - Job seekers are looking for Billings Area opportunities.
  • Promoted - We've partnered with local media outlets who promote BillingsHelpWanted.com and drive local talent to your job postings.
  • Optimized - BillingsHelpWanted.com is continuously optimized for the major Search Engines to get better visibility for your job postings and attract more applicants.
  • Affordable - We have several plans to meet your recruiting needs! Post a Job / Pricing
  • Flexible - Post and manage job postings online, or work with our account team and we can post the jobs for you. You have unlimited words to describe your company, the position and the ideal applicant.

Experience the great success Billings Area organizations have had hiring qualified people. Want more information? Contact Us

Local Advertising = Local Candidates

BillingsHelpWanted.com is promoted in and around Billings, MT including Big Horn, Carbon, Garfield, Golden Valley, Musselshell, Park, Petroleum, Rosebud, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Treasure, Wheatland, Yellow Stone, Big Horn, Park counties.

Unique Marketing

Online advertising and local media drive job seekers to your job postings.